Thoughts on some people who adopt dogs instead of having babies purely for thier pleasure.
Diary written in 16. July. 2022
I am not envious at all anymore.
Is a dog's life better than a human's? That's all something humans have made up.
Dogs are trained by humans without being able to express or reflect their own free will
about whether they want to get thier hair trimmed, sex, or romance. Under the guise of pets or companion dogs, we judge and make decisions
in a way that is easy for us to control them. I wonder if that is truly for the dog's sake. Dogs even go to school these days.
If the dog doesn't want to go, how is that different from forcing your human child to study?
It's not wrong to think of dogs as family, but we should at least take the minimum responsibility that comes with it.
Is a dog's life better than a human's? That's all something humans have made up.
Dogs are trained by humans without being able to express or reflect their own free will
about whether they want to get thier hair trimmed, sex, or romance. Under the guise of pets or companion dogs, we judge and make decisions
in a way that is easy for us to control them. I wonder if that is truly for the dog's sake. Dogs even go to school these days.
If the dog doesn't want to go, how is that different from forcing your human child to study?
It's not wrong to think of dogs as family, but we should at least take the minimum responsibility that comes with it.
Because of human selfishness, now we even manipulate dogs under the name of companion animals.
If there were a dog with a personality like mine, it would have truly committed suicide.
What is the meaning of a life without free will? It’s not that dogs need humans; it’s that humans need dogs as a means to alleviate their own loneliness.
Humans are incomplete ,therefore designed to seek completeness to achieve fulfillment; this is human nature. The moment when humans feel the most complete is said to be when we are in our mother’s womb
- Art of Loving by Erich Fromm.
Since humans are social animals, we feel lonely if we don’t socialize, and when we become lonely, we communicate again. I think it might be because we are trying to find our incomplete half through a companion/ lover.
In Erich Fromm’s book, it is said that the moment most similar to the feeling of completeness we first felt is when we have sex with someone we truly love. Most people, despite the fear of being hurt, have a desire to be complete, so if their attachment style is insecure/ unstable, they might try to fill that incompleteness through hookups or one-night stands. The power of physical intimacy is major (tangible moment). When I was younger, I used to wonder, ‘Why are there so many art works that are based on the theme of love in the world?’ Back then I thought it was because there weren’t that many interesting things in the world. But now I know that the energy of love is immense. Unconditional and reckless love can only come from a mother. Love is embracing, understanding, respecting, and fully accepting, therefore, love is everything. Love is when an incomplete being fully embraces another incomplete human being just as they are.
The reason why breaking up with a lover is painful is quite obvious in hindsight.
It is because you return to solitary (incompleteness) after experiencing something close to completeness. This is a process of accepting your incompleteness again.
From the moment humans are born from their mother’s womb, they are by themselves. Throughout their lives, these lonely beings fight with themselves. (This refers to a state of separation.) Humans have an instinct to bond togather because we are not perfect and are in a state of deficiency. When we meet someone who fulfills the parts we lack, we fall in love unconsciously.
Sex signifies union and finally allows us to feel the completeness we felt in our mother’s womb.
Therefore, our desire for love
stems from selfishness, however,
the result (fully embracing)
is absolutley selfless.
stems from selfishness, however,
the result (fully embracing)
is absolutley selfless.
Initial Visualization- Aminals controlled by human
(Photoshoped images with human hair)
Sample& Design development
(knit- Slik)
(Knitting the dress, Braiding hair)
(Trimming Hair)